Past Projects

Photos of Alice's family and work colleagues

Sampling of significant past projects

There were 3 major parts to this Ministry of Education project:

  1. Conducting a scan of resources (online and offline) relevant to  the initiative ‘Realising Māori Potential’
  2. Writing a report that described each resource  in the scan
  3. Writing web content for the ‘Realising Māori Potential’ site (subsequently renamed Te Mangōroa...
Project dates: Feb-2010 to Jan-2012

This project involved the development of an innovative multi-media resource, He Reo Tupu He Reo Ora – which was nominated for a TUANZ award. The aim of the resource was to encourage the teaching and learning of te reo Māori in all NZ primary schools. The multi- media package includes:

  • printed teacher notes, including eight units with suggested second language tasks,...
Project dates: Jul-2009 to Jun-2011

This report reviewed the evaluations of three youth transition programmes. The aim of the review was to provide a body of evidence that would help Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK) determine the state sector's contribution in enabling Māori youth to successfully transition from secondary to tertiary education.

The three programmes were:

  • Creating Pathways and Building...
Project dates: Apr-2009 to Jun-2009

Pharmac contracted CWA (for whom I was working) to build a bilingual website (called Te Whaioranga) – for their Māori engagement group.

Project dates: Feb-2009 to Jun-2009

This project involved the development of a multimedia resource focussing on 2 waiata and 2 haka associated with the Māori Battalion. The resource is designed for senior wharekura (secondary) students and teachers of Tikanga ā-Iwi (Social Studies), at levels 6-8 of the marau (curriculum).

The resource was a finalist in the TUANZ awards.

There are 3 components in the resource...

Project dates: Aug-2008 to Feb-2011

This research was commissioned by Te Puni Kōkiri, to investigate adult workforce literacy programmes that worked well for Māori. The project involved case study investigation - to hear the voice of Māori and identify their experience of, and outcomes from, such programmes. The aim was to identify 'good practice' information.

The four case studies were:

  1. The ...
Project dates: Apr-2008 to May-2008

This project involved the development of a multimedia resource (aligned to the Māori language curriculum guidelines), for the teaching and learning of te reo Māori in Years 7-8.

The resource comprised:

  1. A printed folder (as a guide for teachers) containing 20 units of work aligned to the curriculum
  2. A DVD showing:

- scenarios with a group of...

Project dates: Nov-2004 to Jun-2007

This first-ever curriculum for the teaching and learning of Māori language was the precursor to the final version Te Aho Arataki Marau (2009). It covered 8 levels of achievement (Years 1-13) and was designed as a draft for consultation so that:

i. primary and secondary school teachers could plan and implement effective Māori language programmes in English medium schools,...

Project dates: Mar-2004 to Oct-2007

This work arose during my time as a performance auditor, whilst working for Te Puni Kōkiri. The aim of the audit was to determine the extent to which mainstream teacher education programmes equipped teachers to understand, and effectively teach, Māori students.

The audit was precipitated by:

i. the low levels of achievement among Māori students

ii. the inability of...

Project dates: Nov-2000 to Oct-2001

I conducted this research while working at Te Puni Kōkiri (the Ministry of Māori Affairs). The aim of the research was to explore issues associated with Māori student participation (and retention) in mainstream Māori language programmes at secondary school. Views of students, whānau and teachers were canvassed ie a three-pronged approach, for the purpose of triangulation.


Project dates: Aug-2000 to Jun-2001

This research took the form of an audit – looking at two streams of funding designated to support Māori language learning in schools. The audit was precipitated by concerns from the  Education Review Office and teachers about the inadequacy of Māori language resources to support the Māori medium curriculum e.g. not matching needs; limited curriculum coverage.

Project dates: Mar-2000 to Dec-2001

Organisations I have worked with

Auckland, Victoria and Waikato Universities
Role or title:

Māori language adviser in schools, and facilitator of adult education

Part time contract.
3 years
Learning Media
Role or title:

Writer e.g. NCEA assessment resources for te reo Māori; proposals; website content; position papers; competitor analysis

1.5 years (part-time)
Role or title:

Writer and resource developer

Part-time contract.
2 years
Huia Publishers
Role or title:

Writer and editor

Part-time contract.
3 months
Ministry of Education
Role or title:

Senior adviser, and writer of briefing papers and reports

Full time employment.
4 years
Te Puni Kōkiri
Role or title:

Senior policy analyst, performance auditor, and writer of Cabinet papers and reports

Full time employment.
4 years
Wellington College of Education
Role or title:

Senior lecturer in teacher education and Māori

Full time employment.
6 years
Department of Social Welfare
Role or title:

Social worker

Full time employment.
3 years
Wellington Boys College
Role or title:
HOD Māori, and teacher of junior English and French
Full time employment.
3 years
NZ Parliament
Role or title:

Reo Māori tutor to MPs, Hansard, Select Committee

Part time contractor
10 years
Victoria University of Wellington
Role or title:

Lecturer of Māori 101 and 102 courses

3 years
Role or title:

Researcher, interviewer, and facilitator of Māori hui/focus groups 

1 year
NZ Army
Role or title:

Territorial Force soldier

5 years
Miramar Girls Home
Role or title:

Teacher of young women in custodial care i.e. social welfare

4 years
Grey Lynn and Newtown Central Schools
Role or title:

Primary School Teacher 

3 years
NZ Symphony Orchestra, Ministry of Education, Department of Corrections, Callaghan Innovation, NZ Post
Role or title:

Māori language tuition (fixed term contracts)

Role or title:

Researching (including interviews). Writing reports. Writing bilingual readers (REO TUPU series) with supporting teachers' notes


Māori language education
Intermittently – as a contractor
Ministry of Education
Role or title:

Resource developer. Research. Report writer

Creating bilingual readers (Māori and English) – with teachers' notes.
Ministry of Education
Role or title:

Researcher and writer

Writing scoping report re a review of the Māori language curriculum guidelines
As and when required – as a contractor