He Reo Tupu He Reo Ora (English medium multimedia reo Māori resource for primary schools)

Project dates: 
Jul-2009 to Jun-2011
Description of the project: 

This project involved the development of an innovative multi-media resource, He Reo Tupu He Reo Ora – which was nominated for a TUANZ award. The aim of the resource was to encourage the teaching and learning of te reo Māori in all NZ primary schools. The multi- media package includes:

  • printed teacher notes, including eight units with suggested second language tasks, learning intentions, and success criteria
  • ‘reomations’ ie short animated cartoons in te reo Māori to engage students
  • video clips featuring teachers and students  using the resource, and also information about aspects of tikanga
  • website (www.hereoora.tki.org.nz) with all the above components plus additional resources such as resource sheets; animation scenarios, grammar content, transcripts and translations.
My involvement: 

I was contracted by CWA New Media, working with Huia Publishing, to develop detailed teachers’ notes for a multimedia resource (He Reo Tupu He Reo Ora) that would support generalist primary school teachers, and lift their confidence and proficiency levels, in order to improve te reo Māori teaching and learning in NZ schools.

My specific responsibilities were to write:

  • a detailed proposal to the Ministry of Education
  • an exemplar of a typical reo Maori teaching unit for the Ministry (prior to contract signing)
  • a detailed resource plan for the Ministry
  • extensive notes from advisory group  hui
  • comprehensive teachers’ notes for the resource (comprising unit plans, second language pedagogy, tikanga, assessment schedules etc)
  • abstracts for each animation (outlining scenarios, language foci and tikanga)
  • all communications around the resource e.g. Gazette, NZEI, Learning Media
  • abstracts for each video clip

In addition to the aforementioned writing tasks, I also:

  • sourced, and facilitated, advisory group members
  • provided input into the animations (to ensure alignment with the teachers’ notes)
  • edited the animation transcripts (in Māori) and translations (in English)
  • liaised with the film producer and director (re editing of film footage, for alignment with the teachers’ notes)
  • provided content for milestone reports to the Ministry
  • designed the second language tasks in the teachers’ notes
  • briefed the illustrator on the specifications for images associated with each second language task
  • liaised with Pātea Māori Club for permission to use  their waiata ‘Poi E’ in the video footage
  • developed the questions for trialling in schools
  • mentored teachers during the trialling of the resource – and in preparation for the filming in their classrooms
  • liaised with Māori language advisers in schools, to seek feedback during trialling
  • worked with web developers on the information architecture of the site
  • liaised with Māori language and tikanga experts during the QA process
  • completed a final edit of the teachers’ notes before printing
  • conducted a final audit of the website before going ‘live’
Key skills used: 
  • Writing, proofreading and editing eg RFP; teachers’ notes;  resource plan; hui minutes; abstracts; communications; content for milestone reports to the Ministry; pre-print edit
  • Facilitation of adults and children eg advisory group, teachers and students during trialling
  • Relationship skills eg advisory group, Māori translator, reo and tikanga specialists, trialling schools, web developers, designers, film team, schools, illustrator, animator, Pātea Māori Club
  • Documentation management (for version control of different iterations of teachers’ notes)
  • Competence in  Māori language and tikanga
  • Knowledge of curriculum, and wider government strategies around Māori language, to ensure alignment
  • Knowledge of second language pedagogy around task-based learning
  • Pedagogical design (for creation of second language tasks)

The multimedia resource He Reo Tupu He Reo Ora increases the ability of Year 1-6 students (and teachers) to learn te reo Māori communicatively. In keeping with the spirit of ako, doors are opened for teachers and students to learn together ie the teacher is also a learner. The user-friendly resource supports the curriculum guidelines for teaching and learning te reo Māori in English-medium schools (Te Aho Arataki Marau) and sets the platform for students going on to learn te reo Māori in Years 7-8, and at secondary school. 

Feedback on the resource confirms that teachers are gaining greater confidence and ability in their use of te reo Māori. Student motivation and achievement in learning the language is being enhanced. Teachers and students alike are placing greater value on learning te reo Māori and its associated tikanga (customs).

Teachers’ comments include:

  • He Reo Tupu He Reo Ora is packed with valuable information and ways to teach a second language. It’s increasing my confidence and ability.”
  • “A great resource to help teachers use te reo in an up-to-date way. Students love the ‘reomations’.”
  • “Gives me a good focus for including assessment in Māori language programmes.”
  • “An excellent resource, with so many skills and steps easily accessible.”
  • “A well thought-out resource. Fantastic to have accompanying links to support teaching and learning.”
  • “Great to have things broken down and explained in such a clear way.”
  • “A very teacher-friendly resource.”
  • “A guiding light for us all.”
  • “Very useful, practical – integrating ICT.”
  • “Amazing, modern up-to-date resource.”
Project URL: 