Māori Language Resourcing (audit re adequacy of Māori language resources in schools)

Project dates: 
Mar-2000 to Dec-2001
Description of the project: 

This research took the form of an audit – looking at two streams of funding designated to support Māori language learning in schools. The audit was precipitated by concerns from the  Education Review Office and teachers about the inadequacy of Māori language resources to support the Māori medium curriculum e.g. not matching needs; limited curriculum coverage.

My involvement: 

My job as a performance auditor on this project required me to:

  • analyse documentation e.g. government briefing/policy papers; ERO reports; Ministry guidelines for use of funding
  • interview Māori parents and Māori medium teachers (in 40 schools across New Zealand, to accommodate a broad demographic range)
  • analyse postal questionnaires (from 316 schools)
  • co-facilitate TPK's education reference group
  • liaise with the Ministry of Education
  • consult with Māori educationalists
Key skills used: 
  • knowledge of Māori resources (and education generally, as an ex-teacher)
  • ability to design questionnaires
  • facilitation skills
  • relationship building e.g. stakeholders and the Ministry of Education
  • interview skills
  • report writing
  • writing of the Cabinet paper (which was later used as an exemplar in Cabinet Office training)

The audit discovered that there was a mismatch between the resources being produced and what teachers /students needed.

The resultant Cabinet paper recommended:

  • maximising ICT in Māori medium education
  • implementing professional development for teachers on how to use  Māori resources and how to maximise ICT
  • working with teachers (and students) to see what they needed/wanted ie fresh new ideas
  • grading and annotating the resources (and aligning them with the curriculum)
  • maximising the use of the internet (to deliver and share resources).