Nau mai, haere mai

Ko te mea nui i tēnei ao, he tangata. Tuia i te herenga tangata - ahakoa nō hea, nō hea.

Ngā mate o tēnā iwi, o tēnā iwi, ka mihia, ka tangihia.

Tēnā koutou kua uru mai nei.

He uri nō Koterana tēnei e mihi nei. Ko Benechie te maunga. Ko Dee te awa. Ko North te moana.

He Māori āku tamariki, nō Ngāti Awa.

Ko Wiremu te mātāmua, ā, ko Hone te pōtiki. Tokoono āku mokopuna.

Aku taura here ki te kaupapa o te reo Māori me te mātauranga Māori ko rātou.


The most important thing in this world is people. May we be bound together - irrespective of where we are from.

We acknowledge and mourn those who've passed on.

Greetings to you who have come to this website.

My ancestry is Scottish - associated with Mount Benechie, the Dee River, and the North Sea.

My children are Māori, belonging to Ngāti Awa.

My first-born is Wiremu; and my younger son is Hone. I have 6 grandchildren.

My inclination towards Māori language and Māori education is because of them.

Alice and her two sons